California Cell Phone Law
California Cell phone law - Another way to reduce car accidents and wrongful untimely death
San Jose California Personal Injury Attorney
Personal Injury Lawyer San Jose California
The California new cell phone law took effect July 1, 2008. California Vehicle Codes 23123 and 23124 take effect, prohibiting the use of hand-held cellular phones while driving. Drivers 18 and older can use cell phones only with a hands-free device, such as Blue Tooth, while talking but driver under the age of 18 are prevented from using any king of hand held or hands-free wireless phone while driving. Citations for cell phone violations while driving are reportable and WILL appear on your driving record. However, a citation for using a cell phone while driving will NOT result in a violation point.
Risk of having an auto accident increased while driving when using cell phone and texting
While there are serious arguments on both sides, there appears to be clear evidence that it is dangerous and may be even deadly to operate a motor vehicle while using cell phone and texting. An operator of a California commuter train sent a text message 22 seconds before the train crashed, 25 people were killed and 135 injured. The train did not stop at a red signal. The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) conducted a study on teen driving behaviors while driving the study showed that talking on the phone and texting while drive distracted them from proper driving behavior. Researchers at the NHTSA studies has shown that driving capability is lowered level of distraction is higher for drivers who are using cell phones while operating automobiles. The conclusion reached by the Researchers at NHTSA and a California study is that the use of cell phone and texting while driving contributes to auto accident.
Recommendations: Stop the use of cell phones while driving to reduce auto, motorcycle & bicycle accidents.
Researchers in a study in 2007 suggested that that all cell phone use and texting while operating or driving a moving vehicle should be banned. They believe that the use of cell phone and texting is a non-driving activity that distracts the driver's eyes away from the roadway.
At the law office of Geoffrey Nwosu located in San Jose California, our accident injury attorneys & lawyers position is that operating a moving vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle or any machine is not only a visual task but also mental. Thus, one must complete all cell phone use and texting before getting under the wheel to reduce the chance of being involved in an automobile accident. We understand the fact that technology and economic situation has made it a reason for most people to indulge in using cell phone and texting while driving, however ones safety must be considered a priority. When driving a vehicle, it is crucial to keep your focus on the road and to practice safe techniques and practices for not only your safety but for the safety of everyone around you. If you need to make a phone call or send a text, it is important to pull off to a safe place. It is important to never text or call while driving.
Please call our car accident injury attorneys & lawyers at our car accident injury law office located in San Jose, San Clara County, Alameda County, San Mateo County, and San Francisco County area for a complimentary initial case analysis at 408-912-5983
Geoffrey Nwosu San Jose car accident personal injury attorney & lawyer Disclaimer: California injury attorney, lawyer, auto accident, car crash, car accident, automobile accident, motorcycle accident, bicycle accident or other information present at this site should neither be considered as a legal advice nor formation of attorney, lawyer or counsel relationship. Please do not take any legal information presented here as a promise or guarantee. Contact our injury and accident law firm to discuss your legal options on your particular case. We do not take cases from outside the state of California.